Christine Gruber – February 2019 Volunteer

Volunteer in the SPOTLIGHT interview with …Christine Gruber   

Christine provides many rides for medical appointments and we so much appreciate her!

When did you became a volunteer for FIA and what volunteer positions have you chosen do?

May, 2018. Volunteer Driver.

Why did you come to FIA? I was impressed with a friend who is a FIA volunteer for outside home maintenance. After I retired, I was looking for volunteer opportunities.  (I volunteer at Westminster Village. Show a classic movie monthly and also help with games in Assisted Living unit).

Who referred you?   What got you to contact us?  Brochure at church.

Were you looking?  Yes.

Have you lived in the area long? … Places you have lived?   26 yrs. In Bloomington. 14 yrs. In Springfield area. Born and raised in northern California, second generation San Franciscan.

Where did you go to school?   Terra Linda H.S. in San Rafael. Sonoma State College in Rohnert Park. University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Jobs/ Careers?   Retired from State Farm (18 yrs), Editorial Specialist. Also worked at ISU, a law firm in Springfield, and SIU School of Medicine in Springfield.

Hobbies/ past times/ passions    Travel, reading. Most recent trip to Germany touring the Christmas Markets in Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Wittenberg, etc.

Family/ Pets    1 husband, 4 cats.

What else would you like to tell us?   Having lived in Illinois many years, the weather is still a puzzlement to me.