Dianne L. February 2021 Volunteer Spotlight

When did you become a volunteer for FIA, and what volunteer positions have you chosen to do?

 I became a volunteer for FIA in 2017 by joining the Faith in Action Board where I have served as the Chairperson of the Volunteer Committee and member of the Planned Growth Committee. I have also served as the Board Vice President, President Elect and now President. 

What brought you to FIA? 

Two things brought me to FIA, one was a board member and staunch supporter of FIA and the second a personal experience.   Paula Walsh, a dear friend, invited me to support FIA as a donor, volunteer and board member.  When she was terminally ill, I made a promise to her to continue supporting FIA and the important mission it performs for our community.  Then, in 2016, my father needed daily kidney dialysis encountering many challenges, one of them being transportation.  It really highlighted the challenges of those seeking to remain independent but needing some assistance from the community, especially when geographically separated from their family.  These two things made me step up to volunteer.

Had you been looking for an opportunity to volunteer?

I have always been active in the community but as I was planning retirement wanted to serve in a greater capacity and a new way.   But really, my promise to Paula and my father’s challenge to find medical transportation was the motivator to get involved.

Any “Words of Wisdom” for us?

We all have “gifts”, talents and wisdom from our life’s experiences. My grandmother instilled the belief that we should use those “gifts” to make a difference in our community.  These words of wisdom from my grandmother remain with me today, “Go make a difference.” 

Have you lived in the area long? Other places you have lived?

I’ve lived here since 2001, but I grew up on the east coast in the suburbs of Philadelphia.  I also lived and worked in the New York City area.

Where did you go to school? 

I have my Bachelors Degree in Communications and a Masters degree in Business. 

Jobs/ Careers? 

“I’m a retired State Farm Claim Executive, but also have experience in Human Resources and Underwriting.  Currently, I work for Eureka College as Director of the Reagan Leadership Program and as an Adjunct Professor of Business.

Hobbies/ Past times/ Passions? 

I have been an active member in the music ministry at my church, St. Pat’s of Merna, where I play guitar and sing in a small folk group.  This is a passion that I have done for over 40 years.  I also am involved in organ donation, women’s and grief ministries, both of which are important to me.  I serve the Red Cross as a Board member and a trainer for the past ten years.

My biggest passion is being with my growing family.  My husband and I have six grown children and a deceased son. (Hence my passion for grief ministries and organ donation.) We have nine grandchildren and counting! 

Anything else you’d like to share? 

I feel so blessed to be a part of FIA.  Everyone involved is passionate and committed to serving our mission.  I have witnessed truly wonderful examples of compassion and selfless service.   I am always humbled by our staff, our board and our volunteers.  Our community is so fortunate to have such caring folks like them and a service such as FIA.

Anything unique or unusual about yourself you would like to share?

LOL – Well – I can wiggle my ears without touching them.  Always a good party trick!