Jane C. Apr. 2022 Volunteer Spotlight

I’ve always been someone ready to go. It could be by airplane, boat, train or car, I’m ready! So, when I closed my Edible Arrangements Stores in 2019, I was not ready to sit in one place. I had taken my elderly mother to appointments for many years, so when a friend told me about FIA, I realized this was a way to help people and keep busy. Something different every day that I could easily fit into whatever else I was doing. Perfect.
Some of my riders have become friends. They ask about and keep track of my tennis wins and losses and what book I’m currently reading as I wait for them to finish their appointments.
I’ve been fortunate to avoid Covid as I’ve continued to take my riders to their appointments. My riders let me know that they are very thankful that I am doing this. It seems like a small thing, but it’s a lifeline for many people. I am thankful that I was able to do this for my mother, but everyone is not as fortunate. I am blessed with good health; not everyone is so blessed.