Memory Lane: Fund (Friend) Raisers

Looking back to those early years when the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation had sent their last check, the original board members were faced with a decision. Do we seek the sponsorship of our program by aligning with one of the major hospitals or other social service agency? Would we then lose control of who we could serve and what kind of services we provide? The decision was made to incorporate. Steve Roszhardt came on board to help us through the process of establishing FIA as a stand-alone 501©3 (non-profit). With the assistance of PATH Director Karen Zangerle, By-Laws were written. Our incorporation was granted in 2008 and we became solely responsible for our own finances.

Some have wondered, what do we need money for when all the services are provided for free by the volunteers? Think of Faith in Action as a body. Staff are the bones of this agency giving us the strength to carry out our mission. Our office is the skin from which all action generates and the computers, Ride Scheduler and phones are the brains that stores info and relays messages. And our volunteers are the nerves and muscles that make everything happen but that take coordination and training. All of these we could not do without, and all cost money.

Over the years we have tried a number of ways to raise money including selling pie and ice cream at a “concert in the park” event, providing coffee and lemonade at Funks Grove Rest Stop during Memorial Day weekend in exchange for donations as well as holding galas complete with silent and live auctions. At our first gala the most highly contested items were Ropp cheese basket and car detailing. These galas proved to be very time intensive. More recently we have turned to hosting a Take Action Luncheon to invite new friends to learn more about who Faith in Action is and perhaps be moved to support us financially, as a volunteer or in prayer.

With the pandemic all in-person fundraising activity ended. Faith in Action has been blessed with alternate sources of income: the Paycheck Protection Program last year and a large bequest this year. It is more than that; so many of us have shared a little more through the annual campaign and charitable giving from our retirement funds. Many of us have taken advantage of the no-cost options:

  • Amazon Smile – a portion of your purchase is credited to FIA. Happy Christmas shopping
  • Kroger offers a similar option where a portion of your purchase benefits FIA, if you go online and choose FIA as your choice.
  • eBay – as you cull through your house, are there items that are new or like new that others might enjoy? A volunteer is offering these on eBay to benefit FIA.
  • Dine-to-Donate opportunities will resume as we climb out of these covid lock down times. It’s an excellent way to build our friendships with our community and get a few dollars too.
  • State Farm grants of $500 for those who volunteer 40 hours in a year.
  • State Farm and Caterpillar will also match donations that you have personally made by check or credit card. It does not include RMD’s or Qualified Charitable Distributions.
  • Thrivent has supported FIA through their volunteer Action Teams providing volunteers service and financial support.

We have also found ways to safely do in-person events:

  • Mum Sale in the fall has proven to be an easy way to support FIA.
  • Bus Trips have been very popular and an excellent way to meet new potential volunteers while enjoying a beautiful part of the USA. Check out the options for 2022.

As we wrap up this series celebrating 15 years of service, I just want to take a moment to say thank you to the folks who helped form Faith in Action and their faith that these services were needed and that somehow we’d figure a way to make it work with the blessing of our Creator. We have been truly blessed with awards, grants, donations and bequests over the years

Our Incorporation signers were

  • Bill Ducett, First Board President
  • Gerry Decker, Second Board President
  • Sandy Holcomb, Third Board President
  • Sue Kirk
  • Steve Roszhart

Also on the Board at that time

  • Marc Boon
  • Georgia Brooks
  • Lynn Wescott
  • Diana Ducett

A big thank you to them for having the faith that the volunteers, financial support and right staff would make this dream a reality. And thank you to you the volunteers who make it all possible through your service.

Submitted by Sandy Holcomb, FIA Board of Directors