2015 Annual Appeal reminder

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Bloomington-Normal Faith in Action

A Note from FIA Director:

Faith in Action provides spiritual, physical, and emotional support to seniors 60 years and over and our caregivers to maintain independence, dignity, and improved quality of life. 2016 marks our 10th year of servicing the Bloomington-Normal area.

With the invaluable assistance of more than 300 volunteers and generous donor funding, Faith in Action is able to accomplish the following on a monthly basis:

  • 400 rides to medical facilities
  • 85 grocery shopping trips done for or with the care recipient
  • 54 friendly phone calls and friendly visits
  • 112 trips to maintain independence including church and visiting a spouse in the nursing home

However, just as with any non-profit, there are ongoing fixed costs. We don’t rely upon state, federal or United Way money; instead, it comes from churches, businesses and individuals with caring hearts.

Please considering give the gift of independence this holiday season. With the number of senior citizens growing exponentially each year, the need for funding is greater now more than ever. Faith in Action can only continue serving individuals with your financial help.

Thank you on behalf of Faith in Action volunteers, staff and care receivers.


Doretta Herr


Mailing Address : FIA 705 E. Lincoln Ste#110, Normal,IL 61761