Comfort Casseroles for our Care Receivers

Thanks to the generosity of the folks at Red Oak Comfort Food and Pie Company, FIA has five casseroles to give care recipients each week. Care providers are encouraged to contact the FIA office anytime they feel they have a care recipient who might appreciate a delicious casserole. We have a simple sign out system, and then the casserole is on its way.
These casseroles are made with fresh ingredients, and come in a foil container, ready to go from your freezer to the oven without any shopping, chopping, or stirring.   They make two generous servings, but with a salad or side dish, they could easily make four servings for a lighter appetite.  For those living alone, extras can be frozen in individual portions.

The ingredients and baking instructions are right on the package.  The Red Oak Comfort Food and Pie Company has been serving patrons in Bishop Hill, Illinois since 1970.  The casseroles and homemade pies are now available locally at 405 N. Main Street in Bloomington.

Thank you very much to Red Oak owner Tricia Nussbaum for her generosity in providing these comfort casseroles for distribution each week.